I'm celebrating my last day of four-weeks of hour-long, five-day-a-week, early-morning boot camp classes with one of my favourite things for a weekend treat - cocoa dressed up as a baked good.
I chanced upon this excellent recipe one day when all I had in the way of gluten-free flour was potato flour. Since potato flour likes to be baked with friends, I figured that I needed to find a recipe which minimises flour usage. I immediately thought of brownies.
The original recipe is over at Joy of Baking filed under healthy, low-fat desserts; but I've reduced the sugar content substantially, de-glutenised it and have used real butter/sour cream (I'm SO not one for using low-fat/artificial substitutions because I figure that treats are supposed to be exactly that - TREATS - not soulless imitations of the real thing!) Therefore, I am by no means asserting that these are low-fat, but rather lower sugar and lower fat than, say, a normal cake recipe. As always, moderation is key I suspect.
Quick tip: These are beyond excellent frozen. Yes, that's right, eaten right from the freezer after being frozen for about 12 - 15 hours. It's like some sort of ice-creamy-biscuity-chewy effect which is quite the taste sensation. Try it - you might like it :-)
Chocolate Brownies
- 80 grams sugar
- 75 grams butter
- 1 teaspoon vanilla essence
- 1 large egg
- 45g flour (I used potato flour)
- 35g cocoa powder
- 1/2 teaspoon bicarb + 1/2 teaspoon creme of tartar
- 60 millilitres (4 tablespoons) sour cream
- Preheat oven to 175 degrees Celsius.
- Butter a 20cm square pan/oven dish.
- Beat sugar & butter together.
- Beat in egg & vanilla.
- In a seperate bowl, mix together flour/cocoa/raising agents.
- Fold flour mix into sugar/butter/egg mix.
- Stir in the sour cream.
- Bake for 15 - 20 minutes (till edges pull away from tin slightly, but centre is still soft).
- Remove once cool & place on a wire rack to cool OR leave it in the glass baking dish pre-portioned and loosened, cover with foil/cling wrap and freeze (can be frozen for 1 - 2 months apparently, but it wont last that long unless you have the iron will of, well, Iron Man?)
- Makes around 6 decadent slices, or 12 littler ones, which I can't handle because it seems cruel to dole them out little-by-little.
Born up a gluten-free-tree and viva cocoa-filled weekend treats!
I am not allergic to gluten but I think I will try these brownies; I bake brownies once a week and vary the recipe each time. I have never baked brownies with potato flour, but I have made sweet fritters with potato flour that I find delicious!
hi juanita
I love these choco brownies
thanks for the sharing
cheers from Paris PIerre
yummy decadence!
That is one glorious sky~
This looks great! yummy!!!
Thanks for your comments, everyone! :-)
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