Friday, April 29, 2011

Feeling Fruity Friday!

Yay, it's Friday!
And for those of you out there obsessed with "royalty", then's also that day. Hazaa! ;-)

First off, I'd like to point out the new "Blogs" tab. Feel free to peek around in it when you have a chance.

Second (and third and so on), I wanted to highlight a few links I particularly enjoyed this week.

On the gluten-free baking front, Betty Bake served up a fantastic Chocolate Beetroot Cake; while Joyti of Darjeeling Dreams wandered into gf territory this week by rustling up a yummo flourless Chocolate-Hazelnut Torte.

If you're longing for a taste of somewhere exotic, look not further than the Coconut Streusel Coffeecake with Pineapple Vanilla Filling on offer over at Baking Obsession. Sounds dreamy, doesn't it?

Just a head's up: Coconuts are available in SA at the moment. We bought ours at Spar. Shake it to make sure it has lots of liquid in, then de-husk it and crack it open cave-man style!

On the fashion and funk front, no-one rocks a jumpsuit with more style than this lady right here. Her blog isn't called [oomph.] for nothing, you know!

In need of a chuckle? Gravy gets his gritty groove on at funnelcloud :-)

I picked out Uma Thurman's "Motherhood" the other day on a whim, and was pleasantly surprised by how enjoyable it was! I highly recommend it for some weekend viewing if you haven't had the chance to see it yet.

Lastly, for those of you looking to add something a little different to their home library; Porti de Rossi's memoir of her eating disorder and recovery makes for some interesting reading. I've written a review here for your perusal.

If you'd like to purchase your own copy from Amazon, click the image below.

Have a great weekend! 
And if you're in South Africa like me, then have a great LONG weekend!

P.S. The space shuttle Endeavour's final voyage to orbit happens tonight (Friday, 15:47 EDT). If the live streaming of Discovery back in Feb was anything to go by, it should be awesome to watch lift off! ---> UPDATE: Launch scrubbed...won't happen beofre 16 May.